Monday, September 30, 2019

Health Hazards in Nursing

Occupational Health Hazards in the Medical Field Kim Chastain AB TECH April 24, 2012 Abstract Medical personnel come into contact with a complex variety of deadly toxins. Contact comes from industrial cleaners, sterilization products, radiation, medications, and mercury. Side effects of these toxic materials are known to lead to a variety of cancers, miscarriages, asthma, birth defects and metabolic syndromes. Government agencies have been negligent in protecting healthcare workers from exposures to these materials.There has never been a government-funded study of these materials and their impact on health and the environment; however independent studies have shown higher rates of disease in healthcare professionals and their children. According to Environmental Working Group (2007), of the 82,000 chemicals in record only around one hundred and eighty have been tested. Thousands of pollutants can be found in any medical setting yet only six have government workplace safety standards. Exposure standards fall to individual facilities to regulate, and vary wildly depending on facility understanding of these toxins. Continued training is recommended when new chemicals and equipment are changed. Healthcare facilities should also be tested on a yearly basis to identify areas of contamination to the employee and patient. Keywords Toxin, hazards, occupational disease In 1970 President Nixon and Congress instituted OSHA to create a safe working environment and NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) to research workplace hazards.While OSHA and NIOSH have clear guidelines for common biohazard procedures, almost nothing exists for chemical and toxin exposures. From doctors and nurses to janitors and mail delivery, anyone who comes into contact with these toxins is at risk. The nature of the nurse or doctors exposure is two fold; consumer contaminates from home and industrial contaminates from work. Illnesses reported by medical personnel range fro m chronic skin dermatitis and asthma to acute life threatening conditions; rare cancers, spontaneous abortions, metabolic syndromes and birth defects.The importance of studying the multigenerational human impact of these contaminates is not only to help the lives of the medical employee, but would result in helping to determine the effects on the population as well. Individuals that work in health care should be aware of workplace exposure to hazardous materials found in the medical industry to better protect themselves. While the government plays catch up with science individuals must be proactive in learning about the dangers and what they can do to make their workplace safer. Locating the DangerIt is no surprise that toxins can be found in a medical setting. What does surprise experts is that there are not more regulations and education on how to handle them. There is no question of the impact that these contaminates have on medical personnel and their families. Environmental Wor king Group (EWG) conducted a survey in 2007 to examine exposure and its effects regarding nurses. Fifteen hundred nurses were asked in a survey to list exposure to eleven common toxins found in a medical setting and health problems seen in their children and themselves. The data is staggering.Organizations around the world have conducted their own investigations into workplace exposure and have found the same results. The conclusion is a global pandemic of cancer, miscarriages and illness never before seen in any other workplace. Figure 1 (Environmental Working Group, 2007) An article by Carol Smith (2010) presents InvestigateWests examination into the regulations surrounding medication exposure regulations and chronicles the impact they pose by following the illness of pharmacist Sue Crump. Ms. Crump at the time of the interview was in the end stages of pancreatic cancer.Crump had spent 23 years working in the medical industry mixing chemo drugs. InvestigateWest found that no gover nment agency has any regulations on exposure to drugs; even those that OSHA has deemed as hazardous. OSHA defines hazardous drugs to knowingly cause cancer, birth defects and other illness. Thomas Conner, a researcher for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has spent four decades studying chemo medications on personnel. He emphasizes that, â€Å"There is no other occupation population (that handles) so many known human carcinogens† (Lifesaving Drugs, Deadly Consequences, 2010, para. 1 ). Unlike the US, European countries have taken notice and placed stronger standards to protect its workers, and most have replaced most toxins with green chemicals. Two Danish studies have found â€Å"a significant increased risk of leukemia among oncology nurses and physicians† and extreme risks of multiple cancers for medical workers (A Silent Threat, 2010, para. 10). Concerned over the growing number of studies NIOSH issued an alert on the dangers of handling tox ic drugs; however they are only recommendations and OSHA has no intent on making them regulatory.According to the Environmental Working Groups Survey on Nurses (2007), starting with the Toxic Substance Control Act in 1976, â€Å"the EPA has not reviewed or even begun gathering safety data for more than eighty percent of the chemicals produced or imported in annual quantities exceeding ten thousand pounds† (The System is Broken, para. 4). This brings in to question the very nature of the agencies that have been put into place to protect its citizens. There seems to be no clear cut standard for how these government agencies handle the data and respond to the people or each other.While each one clearly knows and verifies the existence of the dangers they do nothing about it. Common Toxins Anesthetic Gas Anesthesia is commonly used in dental and surgical procedures. Gases escape can from facemasks, tubes and even regulating machines that were created to control exposure. Although NIOSH has recommended exposure limits for many gases used it is primarily to protect the worker during the procedure. These gases have been found to increase neurological issues, lowered fertility in men and women, miscarriage and higher rates of birth defects in children; articulalry neurological complications. Medications According to EWG, the FDA has approved close to six thousand medications. Even in trace amounts these medications can pose serious effects. No study has ever been conducted to examine the hazard of combining medications in humans. Some chemo drugs are capable of damaging DNA and are known cause certain types of rare cancer. Antiretroviral drugs used for HIV treatment are even more dangerous to a developing fetus. Unnecessary exposure to medication has been linked to everything from skin rashes, asthma, cancer, infertility, and birth defects.Latex and personal care products Latex is a common material used in gloves, catheters, and other plastics. Personal care it ems range from shampoo to shaving cream used by patients. Both were linked to asthma and allergies, ranging from mild reactions to life threatening anaphylaxes. Medical professionals have already been found to have to leave the job because of the seriousness of their allergies. Mercury containing devices Mercury can still be found in devices ranging from thermometers, blood pressure cuffs to non-medical devices, such as batteries and thermostats.It is known to be extremely toxic to the brain and nervous system. Neurological disorders have been found to be higher in medical personnel than other occupations. Children born to nurses exposed during pregnancy have higher degrees of developmental delays and central nervous system diseases. Radiation Radiation can be found in medications and used in life saving medical devices. Imaging machines, such as MRI and CAT scans, have been shown to emit radiation even when protections are in place. Radiation exposure has been proven to cause an in creased rate of miscarriage, cancer and birth defects. SterilizationEthylene oxide & Glutaraldehyde are chemicals used to sterilize anything that cannot be sterilized by steam. Whether the exposure was from the liquid form or spread through evaporation it has been linked allergies, anemia and severe migraines. Recommendations Although many of these contaminates are needed, immediate action should be taken place to insure the health of everyone who works near them. Rigorous standards for the handling of and the exposure to toxins; updated and complete profiles for chemicals and their affects on health and the environment; and investigations on healthcare personnel and their children’s lifespans.Education should be as fast paced as chemical production. Healthcare facilities should have mandatory guidelines for replacing hazards with green alternatives when available and only extensively trained personnel allowed to handle them. Conclusions Since the inception of control and reg ulation of toxins and chemicals the government has banned production of only one chemical, and set very few exposure standards for personnel that are exposed to them. Its apparent in the data that what’s being done currently is not working.No other workforce has been asked not only to risk their lives but the lives of their children as well. Bringing to mind the aftermath of 9/11, when the nation watched as military, medical personnel, police, FEMA, and firemen ran to act. Only this time no one seems to be watching. Families of medical workers, like Sue Crumb, have been left to wonder why nothing has been done. It has been reported that the nursing shortage is over but is expected to reemerge again by 2020 as the largest employed group of nurses retire.If the healthcare industry continues to be a hazard to its staff one could only assume that the shortage will become worse. No one can deny that the current burden on the healthcare system is extreme. When our health care profe ssionals begin to get sick the burden will become greater. By stepping forward now, patient and health professional together, perhaps we can save generations of lives from needless loss. References Brody, J. M. (2007). Improving Disclosure and Consent: â€Å"Is It Safe? † New Ethics for Reporting Personal Exposures to Environmental Chemicals.American Journal Of Public Health, 97(9), 1547. Cooney, C. M. (2003). CDC pegs human exposures to chemicals. Environmental Science & Technology, 37(9), 168A. Toxic Americans. (2003). Ecologist, 33(3), 7. Environmental Working Group. (2007). A Survey on Health and Chemical Exposures. Retrieved from http://www. ewg. org/reports/nursesurvey US Government Accounting Office. (2005) Chemical Regulation: Options Exist to Improve EPA’s Ability to Assess Health Risk and Manage Its Chemical Review Program. [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www. noharm. rg/lib/downloads/chemicals/GAO_Chemical%20Regulation_Rpt. pdf United States Department Of Labor . (2012). Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/ Centers for Disease Control. (2012). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/niosh/about. html Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (1976). International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Part III, Article 6-7) Retrieved from http://www2. ohchr. rg/english/law/cescr. htm Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. (2012). Minimal Risk Levels (MELs) for Hazardous Substances. Retrieved from http://www. atsdr. cdc. gov/mrls/mrllist. asp United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). (2009) About the GHS. Retrieved from http://www. unece. org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/ghs_welcome_e. html United States Department of Labor (2012) OSHA Hazard Communication (GHS). Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/dsg/hazcom/index. html Michaels, D. (2012, March 12) OHSA Revised Hazard Commun ication Standard. Video] Retrieved from http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=uhxp-X6Eqts&context=C4afdff5ADvjVQa1PpcFOfmWo3rcGP16a3ScZVMdv1fYTB5eM1EqQ= US Food and Drug Association (Producer). (2008, January 17). Hazards from Using Cleaners on Medical Equipment. [Video] Retrieved from http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=_zE124CbUuM Smith, C. (2010, July 9). Lifesaving Drugs, Deadly Consequences. Retrieved from http://invw. org/chemo-main Smith, C. (2010, July 10). US Lags Behind on Worker Safeguards. Retrieved from http://seattletimes. nwsource. com/html/localnews/2012327672_chemoosha11. html

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Exercise Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Essay

A good diet and sufficient rest are important to sustain a healthy lifestyle but are not the only things to consider. When performed properly, exercising provides countless benefits that can further improve your quality of life. Regular exercise is an essential part of efficient weight loss and weight management. Exercising can also help thwart several diseases and improve a person’s overall well being. Whether it is a sport activity, a workout regimen, chores around the house, or yard work, all these types of physical activity are beneficial. Adapting an active lifestyle through exercising can be enjoyable and rewarding. Physical activity requires an individual to increase their level of exercising. According to Mayo Clinic staff, adults seeking a healthy lifestyle should include aerobic exercise and strength training in their fitness plans, specifically (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2013): * At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity — or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity — a week * Strength training exercises at least twice a week Every person’s level, whether new to exercising or a seasoned trainer, will be different therefore tailoring a workout program is an open venue for each person to explore. Different stages of exercise intensity can be researched to identify which stage a person can start. For beginners who are unsure about overexerting themselves, a moderate intensity, aerobic activity such as brisk walking is generally safe for most people. Some critics mention that physical activity may lead to a number of injuries. Exercising that involves moderate to high impact puts stress on the body. Even though this helps to build bone density, an individual who already has frail bones can damage a bone under the smallest amount of stress or impact (Tesch, 2011). This may hold true, however when performed correctly as well as starting at the appropriate intensity, these injuries are greatly minimized. That’s why it’s key to start slowly and to gradually increase the progression of intensity. Undesirable circumstances, such as a heart attack, are likely not to occur during exercise sessions. Daily exercising should be implemented in the everyday routine, no matter the age or fitness level. Physical activity tones the body, increases muscle strength, maintains strong bones, and promotes healthier skin. Other benefits of exercising result in better sleep and increased relaxation, a more positive mental state, and an enhanced immune system. Numerous researches show that incorporating an active lifestyle, through the use of an established workout program, have positive outcomes for all areas of health, including mental, emotional, intellectual, and even social well-being, not just for physical health. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. (Breene, 2013). Physical activity has been known to enhance mental clarity and efficiency. It is also linked with better thinking, learning, and judgment. Inquiries have revealed that exercise improves symptoms amid the clinically depressed. This is why physicians suggest, individuals suffering from melancholy or apprehension, should employ exercise in their daily lives. It has been proven, in a number of cases that proper exercise is as helpful as anti-depressant medication. The enhancement of a general mood can be achieved; by just working out for thirty minutes per session, a couple times a week. If time does not permit the utilization of the gym, a workout video can be very helpful. These videos are fun, easy to follow, and they are accompanied with great music. Because of the vast amount of videos, there are options of category and stage of health. If planning to develop a workout regimen in the near future; here are some examples of the type of videos that are available. Selections such as beginning aerobics, weight lifting, running; and even exercise for parents in the company of their kids. Options to participate in physical activity are infinite. Decide on the one that is most interesting to you, regardless if it is jogging, swimming, walking, and roller skating, or jumping rope. The most important point is to be physically active. In a brief amount of time, positive results will be achieved.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Charlie Parker

A discussion of the life and works of Jazz musician Charlie Parker and the influence he had in the field. This paper sheds light on important aspects of Charlie Parkers life and times. It introduces a jazz musician who completely transformed this type of music through his talent, originality and improvisation skills. The paper discusses the changes that he brought into jazz styles and also focuses on Parkers influence on society and economy of his days. For this reason, many magazine articles and few books were consulted and research in this paper is appropriately supported by expert views and comments. Charlie Parkers name is synonymous with innovation in jazz music. This is because in his short life of 34 years, the man was able to transform the world of music by introducing new and better tunes and jazz styles that made him immortal. Charlie Parker was born in 1920 in Kansas City but later moved to New York where he found a more intelligent audience that appreciated his alto sax tunes and helped him in discovering new techniques including the famous Bebop. Bebop was probably the greatest achievement of this man and this jazz style became extremely popularly in that era. It is important to understand that this man was not simply a musician but was a legend in himself because not only did he transform Jazz, he also created awareness regarding this type of music. It was because of him that Americans from every social class started taking an interest in this kind of music and thus the man left an indelible mark on the United States and not particularly its one field.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nutrition and Illness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nutrition and Illness - Research Paper Example The changes in dietary patterns in the population, increase in the use of tobacco and reduced engagement in physical activities have contributed to chronic illnesses, which are related to poor dietary habits. This paper gives a critical analysis on the nutrition practices of the world populations in relation to their contribution to the prevalence of chronic illnesses in addition to the implications on the nursing practice. Statement of purpose The chronic illnesses, which result from poor dietary habits, include obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer, stroke, and hypertension. These illnesses are caused by the changes in dietary life styles in the population and thus leading to disability. Death would also result from these conditions when they become worse. These illnesses affect negatively on the economy because of the high health budget due the loss of human resources (Daniel et al, 2011). Scientific evidence demonstrates that nutrition plays a major role in occurrence of chronic illnesses (Sticher, Smith & Davidson, 2010). Moreover, the alteration of a persons’ diet and changes in the physical activity plays a significant role in determining whether the individual will develop the illness later in life. However, it is notable that even though research on the relationship between diet and illnesses shows a contribution to chronic illnesses, policies and practices have not be en changed to ensure a healthy society. In the developing economies, the food policies are focused on preventing under nutrition but the focus on the chronic illnesses, which are caused by poor health, is neglected. Review of the Literature The energy balance equation determines the weight of an individual. The rate at which the body spends energy determines the health of that person (Burns, Gross & Zanin, 2010). When there is more consumption of calories and fats the chances of one becoming obese increases. The possibility of being obese is facilitated by food consumption, which is not proportionate to the energy breakdown. This is what leads to energy imbalance in the body, which is the basis for chronic obesity. The lifestyles of people have been changed by civilization and urbanization. There is reduced physical activity in urban areas as compared to the rural communities in the developing nations. The energy expenditure by the body is reduced drastically in a sedentary lifestyl e. The work environment in urban centers for example makes an individual confined to the work desk. Moreover, competition among businesses has led to long working hours, which does not allow people, time to engage in physical exercise. The prevalence of obesity is greater in developed countries as compared to the developing economies. In addition, urban centers have more obese people in comparison to the rural environments. This is a result to the differences in lifestyles. In developing countries and rural communities, the lifestyles of individuals promote physical activities, which encourage consumption of energy by the body. There has been a global epidemic of obesity and overweight because of the modern lifestyles which advance storage of fat in the body. Reduced physical activity is demonstrated by the fact that people drive to work. This promotes conversion of nutrients into fat for storage. Reduced physical activities eventually lead to accumulation of fat in the body that ca uses obesity and overw

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Croft Court Hotel London - Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Croft Court Hotel London - Analysis - Assignment Example The rooms are fully air conditioned, with modern en-suite bathrooms, televisions, safe, refrigerator, and direct-dial telephones. The rooms are also equipped with hair-dryer, Wi-fi access, and voice mail. Within a short walk from the hotel are a fully equipped gym and swimming pool, to which the hotel provides complimentary discount vouchers for its guests. Croft Court also provides reduced rates for taxi fares from all airports. The hotel itself boasts of a spacious lobby that has a 24-hour tea/coffee making facility. Its room rates begin at ?85.00 (GBP) upwards, and is already inclusive of a Kedassia continental breakfast, served between 8 am and 10 am. It also has a spacious function hall and garden which are ideal settings for weddings and anniversaries, as well as Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Sheva Brachot and Britt, and similar occasions for a large number of guests. Goals and key objectives of the organization The hotel has two principal objectives: to provide quality lodgings and servic e to its target customers, and to realize profits for its shareholders. Other objectives include the provision of gainful employment for its staff, profitable business for its suppliers, and to contribute to the development of the immediate community. Environmental factors which affect the company The industry is one that is affected by both internal and external environmental factors. Factors pertaining to the internal environment are discussed under Porter’s five forces model. Factors external to the industry include those under the PEST model – political, economic, social and technological. In the hospitality industry as a whole, probably the factor with the strongest influence is the political factor, due to spate of terrorist attacks that have dampened public interest for tourism. Second would be economic, because during an economic recession such as that pervading in Europe and the United States, people who fear the loss of their jobs or erosion of their wealth w ill tend to forego the less urgent or luxurious activities, such as travel for pleasure. Porter’s 5 Forces Model Internal rivalry – Internal rivalry is high. In the immediate vicinity where Croft Court is located in Golders Green, there are several other lodgings and inns where a traveller may stay over. These include the Eagle Lodge, the Regal Guest House, Zanzibar House, Chesterfield Court and Gloucester Court, among others. Croft Court Hotel is ranked by Trip Advisor as 83rd from the top out of London’s B&B Inns. Bargaining power of suppliers – The bargaining power of suppliers is neither high nor low. There are a number of providers of kosher supplies to the many Jewish establishments in the vicinity; they are specialty suppliers and therefore may not easily be replaced, however, there are nevertheless other suppliers which may be sourced since the strong demand in the area has prompted several kosher suppliers to enter the market to meet the demand. Bargaining power of buyers – The bargaining power of buyers is also neither high nor low, discounting the seasonality of Jewish festivities that may create peaks and troughs in the hotel’s take up rate. If buyers feel the price of the Croft Court is a little high, they may find

Imagery of darkness in Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Imagery of darkness in Macbeth - Essay Example Because of this, King Duncan made Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor (the former Thane is to be killed because he’s a traitor). This makes Macbeth think that what the witches said were true. He was inspired by the idea that he will be King and briefly considered â€Å"murder† but felt guilty and he says â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man that function is smotherd in surmise, and nothing is But what is not..† (Act, 1 Scene 1). But when King Duncan announces that Malcolm, his son, would be heir to the throne, Macbeth began to consider murder again. This he told his wife, the Lady Macbeth, who made a plan on how to kill Duncan. Because the King is about to visit them in their castle, Lady Macbeth thought it would be best to kill him there. Macbeth hesitates on this idea but his wife persuades him anyway, telling him to â€Å"act like a man†. That night, when everybody is asleep, Macbeth saw an image of a dagger pointing to the King’s room. When he was done with the deed, he heard strange noises and voices. His wife told him to stop thinking about it and move on, and she smeared blood on the guards’ faces to frame them up. The next morning, everyone discovers the dead King’s body and Macbeth killed the guards. Upon hearing the news, Malcolm and Donalbain, the King’s sons, escaped Scotland to flee the murders. This is when Macbeth was named king. However, Macbeth gets reminded that Banquo was going to be the father of Kings, so he tells a servant to go and kill Banquo and his son. Banquo got killed but his son escapes. At a feast, he saw Banquo’s ghost on his dinner table and started raving fearfully. This alarmed the guests, who were mostly composed of nobles. Because of this, Macbeth decided to visit the witches again for prophesies. There, the witches told him to 1) be wary of Macduff (he opposed Macbeth’s succession to the throne), 2) "None of woman born shall

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Copyright law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Copyright law - Essay Example â€Å"Work made for hire† is defined under  § 101, Chapter 1 of Title 17 on Copyrights of the US Code as work, which is either prepared by a person as part of his work during his employment or works which are especially commissioned. The ‘work made for hire’ rule constitutes an exception to the general rule that copyright ownership naturally belongs to the author or creator of that work, implying that in such cases, the employer or the person for whom the work is done or created for is deemed the copyright owner of the work.However, this can be true only if there is no express agreement in writing signed by the parties indicating a contrary intention ( § 210, Chapter 2 of Title 17, USC). Under the first definition of ‘work made for hire,’ the term employee is constructed in accordance with the holding of the Court in Community for Creative Non-Violence v Reid, 490 US 730 (1989). In that case, an artist’s help was solicited by a non-profit o rganization to aid in their campaign against homelessness. The artist acceded, but no agreement between them as to copyright ownership over the sculpture was entered into. When the artist later claimed copyright ownership, the organization went to court. The US Supreme Court held that the term ‘employee’ should be taken in the context of the conventional employee-employer relation, without resorting to the control test often employed in common law. The SC’s decision relied on the agency law, where agency is determined under a ten-factor test. Since the conditions in the case did not satisfy this, the Court held that it was not within the ambit of the ‘work made for hire’ and copyright ownership belonged to the artist. On the other hand, ‘work made for hire’ under the second type, or the especially commissioned works, is easier to determine because the law itself confined it to nine types of work: â€Å"as a contribution to a collective work; as part of a motion picture or other audiovisual work; as a translation; as a supplementary work; as a compilation; as an instructional text, or; as an atlas, if the parties expressly agree in a written instrument signed by them that the work shall be considered a work made for hire† ( § 101, Chapter 1 of Title 17, USC). Q2 Under  §102, Title 17 on Copyrights of the US Code, there are eight kinds of works of authorship upon which copyright protection can be had: literary works; musical works, including any accompanying words; dramatic works, including any accompanying music; pantomimes and choreographic works; pictorial, graphic and sculptural works; motion pictures and other audiovisual works; sound recordings, and architectural works. Copyright registration may be made either online or using paper forms, although online registrations can only be made for basic registrations. For non-online registrations, each type of work of art must use a corresponding form. Liter ary works, whether published or unpublished, for example, must use Form TX. Specifically Form TX is used for non-dramatic literary works such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, textbooks, reference works, directories, catalogs, advertising copy, compilations of information, and computer programs. On the other hand, visual arts, published or unpublished, must use Form VA, with ‘visual arts’ comprising pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works. Works of artistic craftsmanship and design are also registrable under Form VA, but protection extends only to their form and not to their other aspects. For works of performing arts, published or unpublished, Form PA is used for registration. The performing arts category include within its ambit musical works, dramatic works, pantomimes and choreographic works, and motion pictures and audiovisual works. Form SR is the form used for the registration of sound recordings, published or unpublished, but may also be used to simultaneously r egister the underlying musical, dramatic or literary work accompanying the sound recording. Sound recording, however,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Business Economics - Essay Example The manufacturers also are faced with a situation where they have to lower the supply of laptops and instead focus on the production of tablet computers. An example of tablet computers is the iPad. In the last one year, netbooks and laptops have been hit the hardest by the new consumer appetite. Due to this; netbook shipments declined by 53%, while desktop PC’s demand fell by 15.4%, over the same period. (Halliday, 2011) The process above can be explained economically using the demand and supply theory. Demand is simply the purchaser’s desire and ability to pay for a price of a given commodity. Supply and demand meet due to one thing- Supply. Thus, where a seller is offering to dispose a commodity at the level of price that a purchaser is ready to pay; then, the purchaser and the seller are at an agreement point known as market equilibrium. (Ball and Seidman, 2011 pp9, 10) Demand and supply concepts are basically the most primary concepts of the field of economics. It forms the core of a market economy like that of the U.K. Price serves as a reflection of the effects of demand and supply on the market. This relationship that exists between supply and demand is the one that drives resource allocation. To understand this concept further, and to be able to understand it in the context of laptops, the laws of demand as well as supply are going to be looked at. The demand law, simply states that, ceteris paribus, the higher a commodity’s price is, the less will the demand be for that commodity. That of supply states that, the higher the price of a commodity, the higher the supply of the same commodity will be. Therefore, the higher the levels of prices, the lesser the demanded quantity of a commodity. In the scenario of the study, it is the demand of laptops that declines due to an introduction of a new substitute product in the market. Due to this, the demand curve would shift leftwards to reflect a decline in laptop’s demand. Also, as the laptops

Monday, September 23, 2019

Are equity markets efficient Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Are equity markets efficient - Assignment Example Therefore, the allocatively efficiency is determined by utilising a very complicated economic model2. Financial literatures have also eluded that, apart from other factors in global and local market, operational and informational efficiency have a very essential role in shaping market allocative efficiency. For instance, if some investors have realised that some dominant investors in the market have essential information on the market trend, then the possibility of demanding a higher rate of returns on asset is relatively high. The liquidity in assert prices have a considerable role in shaping allocative efficiency. Based on the available information, it is factual to state that the existing microstructures finance does not provide specific question on the nature and profitability in the market. Consequently, equity markets are in most cases inefficient. Moreover, the level of market efficiency depends on the degree of operational and information efficiency. The allocation of funds i n any project depends on the available information regarding the productivity and worth of the project or investment. Very few investors develop interest to invest on projects that have limited rewards on their investments. Moreover, dominant investors in modern market control and manage operation and productivity of specific market. The dominance of market by prominent investors, therefore, increases the rate of inequity in modern market. Moreover, in an inequitable market, most decision make formulated and implemented by individuals who have personal interest in the market3. Operational efficiency Operational efficiency is the evaluation of cost incurred in the transfer of funds from savers to investors. Therefore, operational efficiency is used to define the entire transaction cost in financial sector. In an ideal market, the transaction cost in the market should reflect the marginal cost of offering services to market participants4. Moreover, the management and execution of oper ational efficiency is in most cases based on the liquidity of a specific market. However, modern market has proved to be inefficient due inefficient mechanisms that can necessitate investors to transact their business in a reasonable size without paying huge transaction cost. Searchers and financial theorists have as well claimed that sophisticated investors and entrepreneurs invest in markets with many liquidity-based investors in order to hide their trades. This, therefore, means that the level of informational efficiency is associated with the level of operational efficiency. The amount of information available regarding to the prices in the market determines the level of liquidity in the market. The association of the amount of resources in the market with liquidity level in the market explain the level of inequity in modern market efficient5. Informational efficiency The assert market is presumed to be informational efficient if the prices of asset have totally incorporated the required information on fundamental values. The efficient of the markets is, therefore, defined by the price information that is available to market participants. However, the market informational efficient is to some extent weakened by inclusion of past prices in current prices. The incorporation of past prices in new prices rules out the employment of technical trading rules and regulations in making excess return6. A market is in â€Å"semi-strong form of efficient†

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Iranian Revolution and Persepolis Booklet Conventions Essay Example for Free

Iranian Revolution and Persepolis Booklet Conventions Essay High and Low cultures are terms given to value the quality of the text. Low culture text is usually the text written for entertainment and pleasure and does not encourage complex reflection and thoughts . Comics are considered as a Low culture and comics and graphic novel are similar to each other but graphic novel are not considered to be Low culture. High culture text is written to encourage complex reflection and thought. High culture are usually full of literary features while low culture has low literary features. Text with high culture also called privileged text and text with low culture is called marginalized . 2- Everyone has his own way of thinking, if three people read a book they will think differently and will have different opinions about it that’s why we respond to the text is shaped by our ideology because everyone understand it from a different perspective. The same thing happens when different people read a graphic novel , they all have different opinions and ideas and they discuss it some people may change their opinions after they heard someone’s else opinion ,that’s how it changes our beliefs, attitudes and values toward literature 3- Symbols in a Graphic novel are easy to understand cause most of the are colours , body language , objects and clothing etc.. .In Persepolis Satrapi has made it different than any other graphic novels , she made no colours only black and white and this is a symbol of something that happened in the past . 4- Satrapi choose to write Persepolis in form of a graphic novel to tell her story ,because she want us to understand what she understands .She is writing her story so she wants us to feel how it feels to grow up during a revolution and a war , and how it feels to move from your country to a different one having a new life she wants us to feel what she felt and she actually succeeded at it Style and Literary Traditions: Persepolis is more bildungsroman than a memoir, because Satrapi didn’t only want to tell the story of her childhood but she wanted to show the way she lived in Iran at the time of the Islamic revolution, also she wanted to show how she grew morally, socially and spiritually making herself an example of how a young girls grew up at this time and bildungsroman is when protagonist must progress from childhood to adulthood, leave home to undergo a journey, and develop a more mature understanding of his or her self. Satrapi also shows how is feels for a young girl to grow up during a Revolution and live in Iran while it was at war with Iraq, those young girls saw communists getting shot and killed by the shah army and hearing stories about political prisoners being tortured during the revolution and saw planes blowing up buildings and other events too. Although it was horrible but Satrapi use a satirical tone sometimes when talking to the revolution guardians Literary Features: Satrapi has been able to manipulate the literary features well though it is a graphic novel which sometimes authors find it hard to use the literary features. Satrapi has used alot of symbols and one of the most important symbol was â€Å" the veil â€Å" which shows the rebellious side of Satrapi and that she was against wearing it but the Islamic government said it is obligatory for women and girls to wear veil. She has also been hyperbole about it Satrapi has used many allusions; most of them are people some are rebellious figures like : Che Guevara, Fidel Castro , they symbolize how a young generation is forced to become revolutionary even though they know little about the turmoil they fight , most of the allusion are about being rebellion and the war. Unlike other writers, Marjane Satrapi has it a little easier because she is able to literally show us what she wants us to see , and the Major thing about persepolis is that it has no colours it’s all black and white to give the story a more ancient feel, she wants us to see that all of this has already occurred. Moreover, the simplicity of her images allows her to demonstrate that this time in her life was not a great one, and that most of it is blurry. Perhaps the lack of color also signifies how somber that time was. Furthermore, she usually draws herself in the background, this shows how inferior she unworthy of being at the same level of men. As she gets older in the novel, she starts to show herself more, it is almost as if she is starting to believe that she is finally getting to the level of men. She begins to talk more to people, and not only speaks her thoughts to herself. Themes: Any young woman growing up is going to face struggles especially during her adolescence. However, to grow up in the midst of the Iranian revolution is undoubtedly a life changing experience. In a society where one certain religion is forced upon you, and where you go, what you wear, who you see, and all that you do is restricted, it is clearly difficult to accept. Especially to a determined and independent young lady such as Marjane Satrapi. In Persepolis one of the most important themes of the novel is government and society and its role in determining the sequence of events that Satrapis life takes on such as in the first chapter veils are forced on the women of Iran. In Persepolis Satrapi has used many themes and as mentioned one of the most important themes is government and society. The Iranian society after the revolution was forced to do what their government tells them like wearing the veil and this is also connected to the theocracy and dictatorship theme that the Islamic government turned into a dictatorship , dictatorship was not only with the government but also in Satrapi’s house she calls her mother a â€Å" the dictator guardian of the revolution of the house The government played a big role in 1980’s Iran by implementing new laws and restricting old freedoms, whoever does obey is either sent to jail and tortured or being executed and a lot of people where being executed for doing things forbidden by Islam ,the government used Islam as a cover to do whatever they want without people questioning them. Even though the Islamic government prevented partying and drinking, people went to illegal parties and drank wine this is considered as an act of rebellion which is also a theme. Rebellion is also a major theme in Persepolis, rebellion is not only against a government it can also be rebellion to what people say. Satrapi uses cigarettes as a symbol of rebellion, she want to show that she can do whatever men can do because at this time in Iran there were feminism. Moreover , Satrapi uses more rebellion figures to support her rebellion theme like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and Trotsky they are a symbol for freedom Iran was in an outer war with Iraq and internal war against Iranians. Those are the best words that could describe what is happening inside Iran in that time, the army was fight the Iraq’s and was also killing communists and people that have a secular thoughts. Although, the kids of the lower class are sent to war to fight for their country, but before they are sent, they are given this golden key which sybolizes the riches and wealth they will have if they go into war for their country. Not having much, these kids end up joining the army being promised these dreams that never happen. While on the other hand the higher classes are partying and enjoying themselves, not doing anything to protect their country, but only themselves. Isnt that sad. Also in the case of Marjane her maid doesnt sit with her and her parents had a cadillac showing that they were wealthy, but Marjane didn like the idea of that. If you are a powerful person that has a lot of money, or if you were a king, you were part of the high class people. If you are poor or a peasant, you are considered to be in the lower class. What also exists is a middle class who refers to those who can make enough money to dress properly and own certain things that peasants can’t. Being a part of the middle class doesn’t make you a high class person because you don’t have power and don’t have a fortune, but it’s enough for good living Martyrdom was also a major theme in Persepolis since the war started and Satrapi describes it â€Å"To die a martyr is to inject blood into the veins of society.† Marjane reflects that the regime depends on the war to retain its political control of the country. A million people lose their lives in the war. The regime becomes more repressive and seeks to stop â€Å"the enemy within† by arresting and executing those that defy its rule. Heroism is also a theme which is connected to Persepolis where Satrapi symbolizes the political prisoners that were tortured and executed as heroes and when she found out that her uncle Anoosh was tortured too ,she thought of him as a hero At this time in Iran the social classes was also a major theme in the novel mostly all social classes were unequal and this wasnt fair to Marjane at some points. She comes to learn that if you are not in the same social class as someone else, you are not able to marry them. Also, higher social classes were treated better and were paid more attention to, other than the lower class people. There was a specific part of the book where some kids asked Marjane if she had any star wars toys, and she didnt. All little Marjane had were some boring books to offer them. Persepolis is very powerful and informative. It showed the history of Iran’s civil war and revolution and the fall of the Shah. When someone would say the word Iran people would think of oil, criminals, and communist. they never knew that they would be able to relate Iran to family, love, peace, hope, Michael Jackson. It has definitely given a new meaning behind the word Iran. It has also given a new outlook of the people of Iran.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Consumerism and Culture: Designing Brands

Consumerism and Culture: Designing Brands 1. Introduction Shopping is timeless and is part of our everyday life. It is a necessity and shopping can bring joy and pleasure. Although the economic crisis is increasing, people from all over the world will always go shopping. It is a basic/common and fun thing to do and it brings enjoyment and entertainment. Consumerism is used to describe the tendency of people identifying strongly with products or services they consume, especially those with commercial brand names and perceived status symbolism appeal, e.g. a luxury vehicle, designer clothing such as Gucci, Chanel and Louis Vuitton, or expensive jewelry. A culture that is permeated by consumerism can be referred to as a consumer culture or a market culture. When designing commercial space it is necessary to consider not just the type of activities that will be carried out, but also the different locations, functions and environment that they will require. All commercial premises, however, need a basic infrastructure that creates an efficient working environment and provides facilities that ensure excellent customer service. 2. Analysis 2.1. Consumerism and Design All products that are commercially successful would have had the consumer in mind at one point or another. Designs have added value when it can be traded and has potential to make an impact on the consumer market even if it already has apparent artistic merit and may not necessarily require to be bought and sold as would a commodity. An enviable and attractive project in this sense attracts investments because of their commercial potential, and in due course attains marketability, and fundamental value or quality. Capital and creativity and good design alone cannot promise commercial success. Design is the new currency for commodities of the next generation and must be tailored to meet the ever-changing cultural and demographic pattern of consumers. Social behavior affects the long-term investments that design companies will make. Ultimately this implies that branding companies will soon look at demography studies as an important element in the development strategy of their products. 2.2 THE STORE AS A HOME FOR THE BRAND Nowadays, all aspects of life are branded. Brands function literally as labels representing the attitude or lifestyle that an individual has chosen. Therefore brands stores need to offer much more than product for sale. They have to sell an identity, which the customer can literally make his own by buying a particular product. This identity is taken home not only in the form of purchase items but also as amenities that come with the product. People who are strongly connected to a brands talk about the brand store as if it were their second home. Stores fall into one of two categories, such as multi brand and a single brand, where the store sells only one brand. Single brand stores sells only a particular brands and therefore has no other competition. The brand has complete control over the entire situation. Products are displayed in a sea of space, and visual merchandising is powerful. The biggest danger faced by single brand store is the predictable product supply, which requires a careful effort to avoid the perils of boredom. Change is not easy to illustrate, especially when the turnover rate is low. [Ill. 1- Tods Building] [Ill. 2- Tods Facade] As we can see from Illustrations 1 and 2 of Tods building and Tods faà §ade, this boutique is an Italian shoe and bag brand Tods. Tods building has been design by Toyo ito and this building is organized by seven floor, which is the lower floors are boutique space, while the central and upper floors house administrative, multifunction area and commercial offices; the top two floors are used for conferences and events and as a roof garden. Keen to give Tods an identity that would make it stand out from the crowd of places devoted to conspicuous consumption, the Tokyo architect Toyo Ito with the specific brief to employ high quality materials and colors that would reflect Tods notion of ‘naturalness. The leather-good brand well known for its impeccably handcrafted shoes and bag as well as its great attention to the natural quality of leathers. The nature metaphor that has been applied to the store was drawn from Omotesandos long row of zelkova trees. According to toyo ito, ‘the tree is an autonomous, natural object and therefore its shape has an inherent structural rationality. In a sense, producing a reasonable flow of structural loads with a pattern of superimposed tree silhouettes is a result of a perfectly rational through process. Toyo itos fondness for the outer skin that wraps a building is once again well represented. His pao(wrap) philosophy underpins much of his work. (up)this case study is so weird- and dunt know how to link with the next paragaph(down) What people stand for and what they believe in used to be an issue which were largely defined by the culture in which they were raised: family, local environment, education and religion influenced the way they see themselves. The local culture provides them with the symbolic tools to create a sense of identity. In the current global environment, people no longer limit themselves to traditional choices offered by local culture. The world has opened up. The Internet and all its possibilities form a whole new digital world, while the ease of travel makes physical distance appear shorter. For an Indonesian, talking to a Singaporean friend through an online chatting such as: Skype, MSN and etc, or visiting a relative who lives in the Singapore is easier and more convenient in the current day and age. Globalization is giving people the possibility to see the world out there, and it result in broadening many interests among people (consumers). They have become more open to different culture s and are able to relate to various lifestyles. It also resulted in a growth of cross-cultural contact and in the realization of a global market. Experiences are no longer determined completely by local elements: the world is the playing field. Roots will continue to define people, but the exposure to new experiences will provide them with different perspectives. As part of this process, traditional lifestyles start to lose authority and choices enter the picture. 2.3. Customer loyalty Retailers pay attention to customer relations and the retention of existing customers by means of loyalty programs and saving schemes. For example, we all have loyalty cards in our wallets. Where the main aim is t gain a price reduction, programs like these are not sufficient to develop client loyalty and to build up a mutually satisfactory relationship between retailers and customer. A company cannot buy a consumers loyalty. Trust and the beginning of a reciprocal relationship ensure that the customer keeps coming back. To achieve this, the retailer must be a good example and deliver added value. The challenge for retailer is to take advantage of the opportunities by organizing themselves in such a way that they fulfill a bridge function and by become the connecting factor between consumer and producer. The communities, feedback groups and testing panels that offer customers the chance to try out products and exchange experiences are sources of inspirations. The involvement of customer in the develop of services on offers and the realization of a transparent and efficient manufacturing process require completely new integral approach. The retail industry has the chance to develop into a platform that offers people the possibilities to create together, to share, and to further extend knowledge and experience. In this way, we can achieve supported solutions in areas such as innovation, logistics, resources deployment and time-to-time advantage. And, ultimately, customer will become satisfied ambassadors of their own brand. 2.4 Connecting to a Functional and Emotional brand element The search for personal identity helps define what is important and what you need to know to gain self-esteem, approval and recognition. People like to feel a sense of belonging, to be part of something bigger then themselves. One way to define oneself is to connect a brand to its culture. Consumers no longer buy products only because of their functional quality but also buying a brand that stand for something. A brand needs to find a way and to differentiate itself from its competitor. It needs to connect with the consumers and creating emotional elements can do this. The emotional side of the brand and the personality help people connect to the brands. Brands can have personalities as much as the same way people do. It is the brands personality that defines brands in terms of human characteristics. 2.5 Sizes and Location The crucial importance is the size and location of the store. There are department stores, boutiques, shopping arcades, stores representing only one brand (single brand store). A flagship store is the most exclusive type of single brand store. The primary focus of a flagship store is not a sell product but to persuade customer to adopt the brands lifestyle. Consequently, a single brand store or flagship store is a suitable retail environment for commercial charity, for the persuasion and obtaining of customers. 3. Design proposal The chosen site location for the design is located at no51-53 shop house at Armenian street, which is beside SMU (Singapore Management University), in front of vanguard building, under fort canning park and in the middle of city hall and Dolby Gout MRT area. This site is surrounded by parking area, and most of it behind of the shop houses. Base on the survey about human traffic car circulation, most of the user of this parking lot is the student from SMU(Singapore Management University),business man, shopper, that going to vanguard building, Stanford House and Stanford Court are also parked their cars behind the shop houses. The problem is after they park their car they will use a small path and it is located at the corner of the site. Physical phenomenon that people tent to use a shorter route or short cut rather than a longer route to get to a certain place. After analyses the trends of shopper I come out with a design solution. The program is to propose a flagship store together with a new design, which is to create a new shopping experience. This design will increase the number of shopper. The Shortcut will attach to the old building and creates a contradiction between the exiting old shop house and the new design (short cut). The shortcut will be built within the retail space to link from Armenian street to the car park. The design of the short cut will attract people attention to walk in and coincidently they might be going to the flagship store. (I havent arrange this part, should be 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 ) ling jie†¦, help me to think about the abstract and conclusion.. :'( cant think†¦. huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuuhh CONSUMERISM A PERSPECTIVE OF FLAGSHIPSTORE CREATE A NEW SHOPPING EXPERIENCE References: Lloyd Jones, Peter, 1940-Taste today. United Kingdom: BPCC Wheatons Ltd,exter. Rem koolhaas, 2005-s,m,l,xl. New York: The monacelli press. Curtis, Eleanor, 2007-Fashion retail. New York: Liz sephton. Judy chung,Chuihua, leong,Sze Tsung 2002-Guide to shopping, project on the city. New York: Taschen Msnuelli,sara.2006-Design for shopping. London: Laurence king Messedat, Jons, 2007- Flagship stores. Los angles: Avedition Gmbh Manuelli, Sara, 2006- Design for shopping. united Kingdom: Laurence King Publishing Ltd Cheng, Kelley, 2005- Style shopping: shops showrooms, Singapore: Page one Publishing Ltd Bibliography:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The American Christian Holocausts Essay -- Holocaust History

The American Christian Holocausts As a high school student I was always annoyed by students who would ask: Why do we have to learn this stuff [history] anyway? We learn history so we don't repeat our mistakes. This is the common answer that my teachers, my father, and just about any other adult would give. This answer made perfect sense to me then, and I easily accepted it. In high school, students learn about the Nazi-Holocaust, and rightfully so. Information abounds regarding this topic. However, my teachers never taught me that our country has a Holocaust of its own (actually there are two; one killing 40 to 60,000,000 Africans, and one killing 100,000,000 Native Red Peoples). Hitler himself often expressed his admiration for the expediency in which the American Christians removed the Native Americans and gave them mass graves like the one in Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Have you ever heard the words American Holocaust(s) before? As I read about history I was drawn to the Indian Wars. One day I began reading Dee Brown's book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee." I was shocked by what I read. I had never been taught these things, yet this history seemed so important and unparalleled in American history. Recently, I picked up Brown's book and read it a second time. Finally, the words shook me from the sleep in which we Americans love to overindulge; the sleep of denial, materialism, and hedonism. The thoughts and images evoked in Brown's book came back and my heart filled with an indescribable feeling of painful anger again. I thought to myself, I'm glad that is all over with, I don't know what I would have done if I had been alive then. The words of William McPherson of the Washington Post regarding Brown's book reassured... ...rican flag and peace medals by Abraham Lincoln and Colonel A. B. Greenwood in Washington only a year earlier and was told that as long as the American flag was above them, no one would be harmed). The braves present surrounded the women and children gathered under the flag. At 8:00 am more than 700 cavalry men under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington and Major Scott J. Anthony, rode in and fired on the huddled Indians from two directions. After the initial charge the US soldiers dismounted and continued the indiscriminate killing of men, women, and children. During the killing unspeakable atrocities and mutilations were committed by the soldiers. Accounts from two white men, John S. Smith and Lieutenant James Connor, described the acts of dehumanization." According to John S. Smith, Colonel Chivington knew these Indians to be peaceful before the massacre.

In Favor of the Network Cap :: Internet Technology Essays

In Favor of the Network Cap Iowa State’s internet administrators had a problem: several computers around campus had been being used as Internet servers for illegitimate data distribution, and these select computers were using a severe amount of bandwidth on the ISU student network. The undeniable fact is that these are students illegally serving copyrighted software and media to people outside the ISU network, and they are taking up an extreme proportion of the network’s available bandwidth. Although this abuse had not yet caused consistent detrimental network problems for many users, the problem was getting worse, and AIT’s network cap decision has halted it. AIT’s 500 megabyte network cap is justified. Warez servers on the ISU campus send out a huge amount of data and slow the network down. We should be greedy about our network speed because our tuition is paying for ISU’s internet connection. It is true that an alternative method, such as filters based on complex data rate monitoring algorithms, might do a better job preventing the warez servers network abuse, and keep many intensive users from protest. But such measures are likely unfeasible, due to limitations of AIT’s network software, and time limitations of AIT network analysts. If the 500 meg cap does indeed cause real problems for a number of legitimate users, investigation of these other methods can be pursued. The 500 megabyte cap was a good and timely solution. Those who disagree with the cap argue that it would affect their legitimate network usage, such as Quake 3 game servers, or people with websites that they serve from their own computers. Instances where these users will actually peak 500 megs in a day are rare, however. Even a moderately trafficked user web site might never send 100 megabytes a day; the simple reality is that 500 megs per day is, 99% of the time, only surpassed when a user is illegally serving a large amount of data such as music, movies, retail software, or pornography to a large audience. This is precisely the user that clogs the bandwidth for those of us who need it to get work done, and this is precisely the type of network abuse that the network cap targets.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Prejudice :: essays papers

Prejudice Immigrants entering our country have always experienced discrimination due to many different prejudices. ^How they would not rent to Negroes or Puerto Ricans. How Negroes and Puerto Ricans were given the pink slips first at work^ (Colon 243). Prejudice impacted various aspects of the lives of immigrants including where they lived, their success, and their careers. The lives of immigrants were impacted everyday due to the prejudices they encountered. For instance, in the story ^Blues Ain^t no Mockingbird^, a black family was impacted by the harassment of white men because the black family was assumed to be on welfare, therefore; they were videotaped against their will (Bambara 119-124). Another more extreme example that Houston illustrates would be the case of the Japanese-Americans who were thrown into detention camps during the war. Their loyalty for the country was questioned and they had to leave many of their possessions behind because of their nationality and the hatred of the enemy during the war (111-116). These immigrants encountered prejudices by the way they looked and their race. In the selection ^To Be a Slave^, it is said that: It is estimated that some fifty million people were taken from the continent during the years of the slave trade. These fifty million were, of course, the youngest, the strongest, those most capable of bringing great profit, first to the slave trader, and later to the slave owner. (Lester 84) Lester^s illustration shows that many African people were taken because they were black indeed. If the people who resided in Africa were white, or the same as Americans or Europeans, there probably would not have been much of a problem. Success was stressed on the lives of immigrants. Immigrants had to try harder then other people. In the story ^The Fat of the Land^, Yezierska points out that success was extremely stressed. Hanneh Breineh, a polish immigrant, stressed the importance of becoming successful. She did not want her children to have it as bad as she did. She desperately wanted them to become American. By the end of the story, all of her children are successful and rich in some way (33-49). ^^What did I tell you? In America, children are like money in the bank^^(Yezierska 42). Success is also a key point in the story ^Two Kinds^ by Amy Tan. In this story, a Chinese mother and daughter immigrate to California after losing what they had in China. The mother believed ^you can be anything you wanted to be in America.^ Therefore, her mother tries to make the little girl a prodigy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Initiating tips–put ice on face before putting moisturizer on as it helps skin absorb the ingredients sleep on silk pillow Unionized alkaline watt I stand on my head every day for five minutes to engorge my face and head with blood and keep a youthful look â€Å"Use sunscreen even on days you don't think the sun Is out: Skin cancer Is a silent killer. Know the difference between VA and PUB. And remember, It takes 30 minutes for the sunscreen to activate.Fewer wrinkles and sun spots, and less of a risk of cancer â€Å"l take 10 breaths, three times per day (in through nose, out through mouth), at a 2 to-3 ratio. For example, breath in four seconds, then breath out six seconds. Focusing on your exhale releases more toxins, and allows more oxygen in cells. And when you're working out, do two to three all-out bursts for 12 seconds each during cardiac†¦ His can strengthen the inner membrane of mitochondria, which slows or reverts deterioration of cells†¦ â€Å"Wet (but don't drain) caffeinated tea bags and freeze. Use the frozen tea bags on closed eyes for 20 minutes three times a week to reduce dark circles, puffiness, and disconsolation. Tea bags can be any brand but MUST have caffeine, which does the work. † prevents deterioration of cells. â€Å"Wet (but don't drain) caffeinated tea bags and freeze. Use the frozen tea bags on work. †

Monday, September 16, 2019

Education of the Middle Ages Essay

Education, as we know it today, did not exist in the Middle Ages. Illiteracy was dominant among the population. Scribes were the exception to the rule. Churches were the main source of knowledge and schooling. Real interest in learning grew along with the development of towns. The towns’ officials needed to be educated. At the same time a need for legal institutions was created and so started the university phenomenon. Modern education was on its way. There were few schools in the Middle ages, so everyone had limited education. Even the Lord of the Manor was often unable to read or write. Some of the first schools were Cathedral schools. As well as Parish, Monastic, and Palace schools. Here people learned a particular role in society. Naturally the primary job was training the clergy in their professional duties as priests of the Christian people. The bishop was the head of the complex and he had a staff of priest to help him with the several of the diocese. These skills that were taught here were reading, singing of hymns, church law, writing of documents and the performing of Church duties and sacraments. An example of educating for a specific role in life were the Knights who had learn how to fight with various weapons so that they could fight for their king. The common people, however, had no way of being educated other than going a monastic school. However, if they did this, they had to donate their property to the church. The people who went to this school later become monks or nuns. They had to follow three important laws: chastity, obedience, and the law or the lord if not followed they would be thrown out of the monastery. Most monasteries had a rule of silence: monks could not talk which other except for a short period of time. During meals one monk might read passages from the bible while the others mediated. Even though monks’ lives seem to be so hard it was the best place to go for a good education for anybody from a king to a beggar (Monasteries 488-499). Women took part in monastic life by living in a convent under a direction of an abbess. Known as nuns, they wore simple clothes and wrapped a white cloth called a wimple around their face and neck. They alternated prayer with spinning, weaving, and embroiling items such as tapestries and banners. They also taught needlework and the medicinal use of herbs to daughters of nobles (Couglin A6). Although monks and nuns lived apart from society, they were not completely isolated. Indeed, they played a crucial role in medieval intellectual and social life. Since few people could read or write, the regular clergy preserved ancient and the classical writings. Scribes copied all the books by hand working in a small drafty room with one candle or a small window for light. Illuminated manuscripts decorated with rich colors and intricate pictures indicate that, although the task was done with hard work, it was also lovingly done (Monastaries 499-501). Monasteries and convents provided not only schools for young people, but hospitals for the sick, food for the needy, and a home for travelers who need a place to stay (Monasteries 499-501). Cathedral schools were there to train higher-member of the Church in their professional duties as ministers of the Christian people. The bishop in whose Cathedral complex the school was located needed a group of trained priests to administer the various needs dioceses. The Cathedral school largely emphasized practical skills, effective reading, singing, and knowledge of Church Law, public speaking and the administration of the holy sacraments (Corbishely 28). At first the university was not so much a place as it was a group of scholars organized like a guild for the purpose of learning. Classes were held in rented rooms or churches even in the open air. Books were scarce. In most classes teacher read the text and discussed it, while students took notes on slates or memorized as much information as possible. Classes did, however meet regularly schedule. University rules established the obligations of the students and the teachers toward each other. To qualify as a teacher students had to pass an exam leading to a degree, or a certificate of completion (Cantor 58). By the end of the 1200’s universities had spread throughout Europe. Most southern European universities were modeled after the law school at Bologna, Italy, and specialized in law and medicine. Universities in Northern Europe on the contrary, specialized in liberal arts in Theology. These were generally modeled after the University of Paris (Bailey 89). At medieval universities, scholars studied Latin classics and Roman law in depth. They also acquired knowledge from the works of the Greek philosopher Aristotle and from the Islamic scholarship in the sciences. This interest in the physical world eventually led a rise of western science (Schools 291-292). Many church leaders opposed the study of Aristotle’s works, fearing that his ideas feared the Christian teachings. In contrast some scholars thought that new knowledge could be used ideas. The applied Aristotle philosophy to theological questions and developed a system of thought called scholasticism. This new type of learning emphasized reason as well as the faith in the interpretations of Christian doctrine. Scholastic sought to bring back classical philosophy along side with the teachings of the Church. They believed that knowledge could be integrated into a coherent whole (Schools 295). One scholastic teacher, Peter Aberlard taught theology in Paris during the early 1100’s. In his book Sic et Non, he collected statements from the bible writings of early Christian leaders that showed both sides of controversial questions. Abearld then had his students reconcile the difference though logic. In the 1200’s the most important scholastic thinker was Thomas Aquinas a brilliant theologian and philosopher who taught philosophy in Naples and France. In his work Summa Theolgica Aquinas claimed that reason was a gift from god that could provide answers to basic philosophical questions. The catholic later accepted and promoted Aquinas’s way of teaching and thinking (Schools 310). The education of a knight proceeded in a way similar to that of many medieval occupations. At an early age the prospective knight was apprenticed to serve as a page, or attendant, in a knight’s household. In his teens the page graduated to the status of a squire and received more responsibilities. As a squire the boy tended his knight’s horses and armor, but he also gained his first battle experience. Several squires were usually apprenticed to a knight at the same time and on the battlefield they might fight as a small band of infantry around their master. Here they acquired the many skills in arms necessary for their profession. To graduate to the status of a knight, a squire usually performed some heroic deed in battle. The squire was welcomed into the order of knights by being dubbed with a sword or slapped in the face by his lord. Afterwards the new knight would receive his fief, or gift of land. As the cult of chivalry developed in the 12th and 13th centuries, knighting ceremonies became more involved. Often they occurred at court, and a knight’s dubbing might be preceded by a religious vigil in which the knight vowed to uphold Christian and chivalric principles (Davies 12-13). Finally the Renaissance, or rebirth of learning, began in Europe in the 14th century and reached its height in the 15th century. Scholars became more interested in the humanist features that is, the secular or worldly rather than the religious aspects of the Greek and Latin classics. Humanist educators found their models of literary style in the classics. The Renaissance was a particularly powerful force in Italy, most notably in art, literature, and architecture. In literature, the works of such Italian writers as Dante Aleghieri, Petrarch, and Giovanni Boccaccio became especially important (Renaissance 228-229). Humanist educators designed teaching methods to prepare well-rounded, liberally educated persons. Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus was particularly influential. Erasmus believed that understanding and conversing about the meaning of literature was more important than memorizing it, as had been required at many of the medieval religious schools. He advised teachers to study such fields as archeology, astronomy, mythology, history, and Scripture (Renaissance 220). The invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century made books more widely available and increased literacy rates. But school attendance did not increase greatly during the Renaissance. Elementary schools educated middle-class children while lower-class children received little, if any, formal schooling. Children of the nobility and upper classes attended humanist secondary schools (Bailey 112). Educational opportunities for women improved slightly during the Renaissance, especially for the upper classes. Some girls from wealthy families attended schools of the royal court or received private lessons at home. The curriculum studied by young women was still based on the belief that only certain subjects, such as art, music, needlework, dancing, and poetry, were suited for females. For working-class girls, especially rural peasants, education was still limited to training in household duties such as cooking and sewing (Couglin, A8). As it shows education the Middle Ages seems to be so diverse and a starting point for modern education. But the reader must always keep in mind only about five percent of the whole population did all of these educational activities.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Education And Capitalism

Max Weber was a German sociologist and economist who contributed very much on economic and quite a durable and brilliant work on administrative system. Maxweber tried to provide ways to the people through which they could avoid oppression by suggesting ways and means like inciting people to encourage others to work hard and develop enterprises as well as making investments. This could enable them to grow economically. He also established theories like bureaucracy that addressed to better administrative methods that involved no authoritarianism. Capitalism. This can be defined as a means through which economic relations involving production means are organized. These may include enterprises, firms, knowledge or factories. A theory is a systematic organized knowledge as thought that explains some phenomena. It is an endeavour to understand each and a rational explanation of how something is put together or why it works and why it works that way. An idea is a concept, notion that one has on something. Capitalism according to Weber came into existence when the Protestants put influence on so many people to get motivated in working and work hard, developing so many big and prosperous enterprises. They also encouraged the people to participate largely in trade and make savings for investment. I also suppose that availability of free markets and opportunities for innovation are guaranteed. This essay is going to express the theories and ideas that were manifested on education and capitalism by Max Weber. Discussion. Max Weber suggested that strength of capitalism in a country or state is determined mainly by the power manifested by the country or state. This means that more powerful countries have stronger controls over their education and hence their education systems are well established and very worth. They also have a wide control over their worker regulations and therefore in relation to education, educational staff is well treated and motivation is ensured. This leads to improvement in education. According to Weber, capitalism evolved when the protestant ethnic influenced large numbers of people to engage in work in the secular world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. If a few become systematic in pursuit of money, others will end up as their employees. Max Weber’s theory of capitalism being a very strong tool used by the people to develop economically as well as socially has a very strong influence on education. This is related in that more educational institutions will be established in line with strong and stable economy. In addition, more people will be able to access education and this result to a more learned society where technology and innovation will be in abundant. Max Weber’s idea that bureaucracy should be ended in firms and such as industries and educational institutions that impacted a lot on education. Workers in educational institutions could now work freely without intimidation and even merit was employed in employment. Max Weber also is for the idea that capitalism in a major power system that any society or organization adapts. When adapted by a school which is an organization, a lot of activities like research and teaching will be on their way up. The capitalists also have a strong influence on the government and funding will be provided to the learning institutions. Funding to research activities will also be possible and hence growth in the learning institutions will be experienced. According to Max Weber’s ideas, capitalists were very hardworking people committed to seeing growth in economy and investing widely. Job opportunities were thus provided to those who acquired education and this led to very fast growth of learning institutions, both lower and higher. Generally, Max Weber’s ideas and theories have revealed that capitalism had many positive outcomes on education. The fact that it involved strong education to working hard towards economic and social growth, suggests that a strong base was built for development of education. Through establishment of strong economic base, it has been established that funding to the educational institutions was easy and this enabled conducting of researches building of learning resources like laboratories and acquisitions of learning materials to be very easy (Weber, 1978). He also goes further to address on the social, political and economic functions that resulted as evidenced in the increasing sense of conflict between individuals and organizations like schools. He used bureaucracy theory to do this and this led to a fairer, more impartial, more predictable, more rational and orderly organizational systems (Whimster, Sam, & Lash, 1987). The workers in the educational systems could now be comfortable in their work. Authoritarianism in the capitalistic institutions was very much avoided. For a state or country that has a very strong capitalism, it has been established that their education background and development is quite easy since financial support is readily available. Mawebers theories and ideas on education and capitalism are still relevant to presently society. This is evidenced by the fact that those countries and states that have a strong economic growth are the ones likely to have prospered well in education. This is depicted in the technologies and innovations that are available in a country or a state (Political Writings, 1994). However, this does not lock out those developing countries. Capitalism is still taking effect in this countries and education on way up. This suggests that at one point t, these countries will be well established and education systems and background will be strong. Capitalism is a very strong tool in every society and it is this capitalist that influences the formation of policies and rules in any organization, institutions like schools as well as the entire governments. (Joseph, & Jonathan (2003). They do this in capacity of politicians in the presently society making laws, policies and implementation still have a very strong influence from the politicians. Capitalism according to Maweber led to a strong economic base, which saw establishment of so many business enterprises and organizations. This led to increases need for labour and as a result many people had to provide labour in the enterprises something, which led to most people dropping their education. This is a negative effect of capitalism on education. Capitalisms also according to Maxweber insisted on division of labor (Runciman, 1972). This led to participation of the workers and consequently decline in performance. Conclusion. Capitalism as have been found out had and still has a very strong impact on education. Through capitalization, education finds a very strong base on which it grows to reach most of the people. This is ensured by strong economic ground that capitalism establishes whereby people as a result can access all the requirements necessary for acquiring education. Resources like learning materials are easily available and also schools and other learning institutions are widely established. Through capitalism, education is able to thrive very well and this means that people get educated which can be explained in terms of technological advancement of a country or state. This educated people will be able to discover new things through conducting researches as well as innovating new ideologies. Capitalism has also contributed to job opportunities through education. For example people learn new ideas and ways of doing things from maybe industries or other business enterprises. Those who pass knowledge to these people are themselves employees of these organizations and have acquired their jobs through intensified capitalism. Although capitalism somehow affected education earlier in that most people ended into providing labour in developing enterprises and industries failing to access education, the positive impacts are much more. Capitalism thus have a very great positive impact on education.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mythological Hero Comparison Essay

Ancient and Modern Super Heroes Hero myths are the best-known mythological stories because they involve colossal characters that are easily recognizable. In ancient Greece heroes such as Homer’s Odysseus, Apollo, and Achilles are â€Å"super heroes.† In modern day literature and pop culture mythological characters like those found in comic books are the equivalent. Super heroes and their stories involve characters that put themselves in harm’s way to protect something or someone else. Whether it is ancient Greek mythology one is studying or modern day comic book characters, the theme, and meaning are the same. In other words, â€Å"the story they tell belongs to us all† (Powell, 1990, p. 8). A modern day super hero who protects his society while maintaining a tremendous persona is Batman, created by Bill Finger in 1940. Batman does not possess the typical deity powers of ancient hero mythological characters, but he does embark on a quest to save Gotham City from crime and corruption whil e exhibiting characteristics common in his mythological hero counterparts. Like Homer’s Odysseus, Batman exudes mythological deity characteristics, including strength, courage, and selflessness. Batman is today what Homer’s Odysseus is to ancient Greece. He embodies what mythological characters stand for during the times of ancient Greece, â€Å"but stand for something more, something that crosses boundaries† (Rohac, n.d., p. 1). He also lives in Gotham City, which is a place any person can see him or herself living in, which helps to reinforce the mythological idea behind the super hero. In afterlife mythology, when Odysseus visits the Land of the Dead, he does so exuding his heroic quality of strength. Like Batman, Odysseus requires strength, not in the physical sense, but the emotional and mental sense because â€Å"the Land of the Dead is a place marked by emptiness and despair† (Powell, 1990, p. 67) that only a heroic man can encounter on his epic journey. Batman has grown up in Gotham City and following his father’s death the city is in the tight grips of crime again and under the control of a powerful gang called ‘the mutants’ (Reynolds, 1992). Gotham City is like that of an afterlife because it is devoid of law and order. Like Odysseus, Batman requires the mental and emotional strength to confront each of the various mutants he takes down. Another common trait that mythological heroes Odysseus and Batman possess is courage. By definition of what these men do, courage runs through their bloodstreams as air and hormones. For Odysseus  there mere fact that he leaves Ithaca for 12 years to fight in Troy is courageous. He leaves behind the heir to the throne and his son, Telemachus, who was born shortly after Odysseus left for the Trojan War (Nelson, 2008). No ordinary man would be able to leave behind his family and people to face war. This is the type of action that commands courage of a brave man. Although Batman may not be fighting a war like the Trojan War that involves daunting voyages at sea for weeks on end, he does face criminals and thugs who are attacking Gotham City. Batman learned to be courageous from his mentor RÄ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Al Ghul who warned Batman, â€Å"you lack the courage to do all that is necessary. If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind him and stab him in the heart† (Nolan & Goyer, 2006, p. 125). Batman decides at the birth of his alter ego to take on the crime in Gotham City without the use of lethal force. He punishes the crooks and gangs by working around legislation. Batman’s decision to avoid lethal force is an act of courage because it is easy to kill the enemy, but it is another to incapacitate temporarily the enemy that may return to face him on his journey to keep Gotham City safe. Finally Batman and Odysseus embark on their quests as selfless acts to accomplish a specific goal. Odysseus sets out to be a part of the Trojan War despite wanting nothing more than to â€Å"achieve his goal of returning home to Ithaca† (Powell, 1990, p. 295). Soldiers who enter battle are brav e and selfless because they put their own lives on the line to protect what belongs to them. In a similar vein, Batman works during the night to rid Gotham City of the thugs who take over the city. Though it can be argued Batman is anything but selfless because his work as Batman is in an attempt to avenge his father’s death by one of the very street gangs he battles, Batman does what he does in attempt to make his city a safer, better place to live, much like the men and women on the frontlines of the battlefield, or a hero like Odysseus. In conclusion, the modern day super hero who protects his society while maintaining an immense persona and the hero from ancient Greece who sets out on an epic quest possess qualities that mark each as strong, courageous, and selfless individuals. These are qualities super heroes possess that society has come to expect from the classic hero. As the hero battles to keep their home territory safe, it is important to bear in mind â€Å"the context of the universal struggle between order and chaos† (Powell, 1990, p. 8) stands to  be a timeless test for society in general. References Leeming, D.A. (1990). The world of myth. New York, NY: Oxford University Press Nelson, M. Odysseus and Aeneas: A classical perspective on leadership, The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 19, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 469-477, Reynolds, R. (1992). Super heroes: A modern mythology. London, : B.T. Batsford. Rohac, G. (n.d.). More than heroes. An examination of comic book heroes as modern mythologies. Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2019

BHS 328 - Team Building (Mod 3 SLP) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BHS 328 - Team Building (Mod 3 SLP) - Essay Example Goal setting is the most important component of Personal improvement literature. To be most successful goals that are being set should be realistic, tangible, specific, and have a time target for achievement. There should be sensible plans to attain an intended goal. One drawback of goal setting is that implicit knowledge may be subdued and inhibited. This is due to the fact that goal setting may support simple targets and focus on a result without openness to examination, understanding or expansion. Goals offer a sense of track and principle. Locke et al studied the behavioral effects of goal setting in great depth and concluded that 90% of laboratory and field studies linking explicit and challenging goals resulted in higher performance than simple or no goals. Some managers would believe it is adequate to push the employees to do their best, but in reality it is a very different scenario. A goal is thereby of critical importance because it facilitates an individual in focusing the ir efforts in a particular direction. Managers can not be regularly able to force motivation and keep trail of an employee’s work on an incessant basis. Goals are hence a very important tool for managers since they have the ability to act as a self-regulatory and self-checking mechanism that acquires an employee a positive quantity of assistance Strategic planning is basically an organizations procedure of specifying its strategy, or target, and making decisions on allocating its resources to track this strategy, including its capital and people. Strategic planning is essential to run a business successfully I would surely implement Strategic Planning as it would not only improve the overall employee performance and the motivation level but also boost up the productivity of my team. It is also very correct that strategic planning may be handy for effectively plotting the course of a company;

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Ethics - Essay Example International Business Ethics These entail rules and regulations set forth to control the business between countries in the world in order to enhance trade between them, bringing out globalization. Globalization diminishes the set barriers between countries on the globe for trade to occur smoothly. Examples of transactions that fall within the ambit of international business ethics include fair trade movement and transfer pricing. The factors looked at to come up with significant international business ethics include the exchange rates, economic growth and rates, working environment, the government control involved and the social ethics involved (Casson 97). International corporations operating in host countries may be perplexed by the customs, rules and laws of the country, some of which conflict with cultural guidelines of their home states. This presents numerous ethical complexities universally; for example, the certain governments’ expectations. Different employees in the many departments in a foreign culture cannot be accorded same salary standards and promotional standards as the ones back home. This is due to different working conditions and environments in the different countries, and also various rules and regulations in conducting business in different countries. For example, economic status of developed countries tends to differ with that of developing countries and the currencies of countries have different values (Casson 97). Various theories of ethics involved include rationality, social ethics and communitarism. Rationality This is a concept used in business, which involves the reasoning of people involved in a business with the motive of solving a problem or achieving a goal in business. As noted by Casson, in international business, the concept of bounded rationality is a key element in the transaction cost theory version of Williamson’s (1975). It also underpins the Hedland’s (1993) arguments that favor the network firm ( Casson 98). Various countries’ representatives come together and discuss certain issues affecting international trade and come up with certain guidelines, which benefit each and every player involved in the international business. The various issues discussed include the exchange rates of different currencies of all world countries. In addition, there has been the formation of various organizations that maintain stability of the different world currencies. These include the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which assist countries in maintaining a superior economic position and help in times of economic crisis (Casson 98). Social ethics These include the appropriate behaviors of certain peoples as a whole, especially with regard to their different perspectives on things and beliefs in their various cultures. In such societies, the current principles and values dictate how people should act and deal with one another by setting certain behaviors or standards that s hould be followed by members of society. Factors considered within social ethics include language, race, gender, culture, religion and education, among others. In international business, social ethics is a vital issue as various countries have di

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Power of Organizational Vision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Power of Organizational Vision - Essay Example One should also pick a time frame since visioning works best when one goes beyond the present day problems. You should write a draft of the vision, review it, and rewrite it if necessary to ensure it meets the needs of the organization. Moreover, you should seek for input from other individuals that you respect and trust, particularly those who have insight, experience, and expertise that is applicable to your vision (Collins & Pollas, 2011). Lastly, you should share your vision with all individuals who are responsible for implementing it to ensure that they help to achieve the vision. A leader plays a major role in creating a vision for a company. As such, he or she should accept the role of making the firm a place where employees work in unison rather than operating independently. As such, a leader should make sure that the vision is linked to the reality of the firm. A leader should also ensure that the statement of purpose, operating values, and vision are integrated to ensure that they work help to meet the daily operations of the firm (Collins & Pollas, 2011). An example of a compelling vision statement is one by Teach for America which stipulates â€Å"One day, all children in America will get a chance to realize an excellent

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Leadership Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership Profile - Essay Example Later in 1978 he received a doctorate degree in criminal justice from Sam Houston State University Texas. Worked in the Royal Thai Police Department for 14 years and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1987. His last position was Deputy Superintendent of the Policy and Planning Sub-division, General Staff Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau. After resigning from Royal Thai Police and with several failed business ventures in 1987 Mr. Thaksin started his own business Shinawatra Computer and Communications Group. Mr. Thaksin later resigned from the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors, Shinawatra Computer and Communications Public Company Limited Thaksin entered politics in late 1994 under the invitation of Chamlong Srimuang, the leader of Palang Dharma Party and in 1995 he became the leader of Palang Dharma. Mr. Thaksin held the position of deputy prime minister twice; being appointed Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Bangkok traffic in 1995 and again in 1997 Deputy Prime Minister under Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh. It was in 1998 that he founded the Thai Rak Thai Party and became the party leader. Received the "Outstanding Criminal Justice Alumnus Award" from the Criminal Justice Center, Sam Houston State University and, later on October 25, 1996, the "Distinguished Alumni Award" from the same University As it stands Mr. Received the Honorary Award from the Mass Media Photographer Association of Thailand (MPA) as the Outstanding Politician who has contributed significantly to the society As it stands Mr. Thaksin was an extremely popular political leader. His dynamic entrepreneurial vision allowed him to establish a huge transnational business conglomerate and in ten years become one of the wealthiest individuals in Southeast Asia and the world. He twice won landslide elections - in 2001 and 2005 - with his party performing better than any in history. In fact, he is the only Thai prime minister to have completed a full four-year term after an election. Thaksin's distinctive economic, public health, education, energy, drugs and international relations policies made him the first elected Prime Minister in Thai history to complete his term in office, and helped him win a landslide re-election in 2005. (New York Times, 2006) After the creation of Thai Rak Thai, it was his enormous financial resources that allowed him to attract many accomplished and popular local politicians to his party. With a belief of populism and a strong emphasis on directing more funds to rural areas and communities, Thai Rak Thai developed a strong rural base in Thailand. The populist economic policy which was also termed "Thaksinomics." included novel programs such as "One Tambol, One Product," a highly successful program aimed to encourage each sub-district to develop a product in which it had a singular competitive advantage and